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Tips for using night vision goggles

2021-11-12 17:50:02

1. Night vision goggles are precision optoelectronic instruments used to observe targets at night and in low light. In order to work under extremely low illumination, the night vision device is equipped with an infrared transmitter.

2. It is forbidden to open the night vision device during the day without a protective cover. When checking the working performance of the night vision device in a room with light, it must be carried out when the night vision device is equipped with a mirror cover, and it should not exceed 3 minutes. And the night vision device should not deal with strong light sources, and it is possible for strong light to enter the interior of the night vision device. Damage it or reduce the life of the night vision device. with night vision with mirror caps

Strong flashes should also be avoided when viewing objects with the instrument. When strong light enters the night vision device, its visibility will decrease or even disappear. At this time, the night vision device should be taken away from the strong light source immediately. After 1-2 minutes, the night vision function will resume. Extremely strong light sources can cause damage to the night vision device (eg 10 seconds during the day)

3. The night vision device allows strong flash and flicker within 1 minute. The light spot observed in the field of view is not a defect of the night vision device, but is caused by the flicker of the external light source. When the night vision device works in the standard way, there will be no light spots, and the existence of a small number of black spots and bright spots in the field of view of the night vision device is not a quality defect, but meets the quality standards of the night vision device. Night vision goggles cannot be turned on during the day without a protective cover.

4. After the night vision device is stored in a cold room or transported in winter, it must be kept in a warm room for 5 hours before being used again.

5. The night vision device is suitable for use at an ambient temperature of -30 degrees to 30 degrees, a relative humidity of 93% at a temperature of 25 degrees, and a local illumination of 5.10ˉ? lux or below.

6. Night vision device working hours.

①Do not turn on the infrared irradiator:---When the temperature is higher than 0 degrees---20 hours?---When the temperature is minus 30 degrees---3.5 hours

②Turn on the infrared irradiator:?---When the temperature is higher than 0 degrees---16 hours?---When the temperature is minus 30 degrees---2 hours

③The battery must be placed in a warm place (such as a chest pocket) before the night vision device works under 10 degrees and is turned on.

7. Night vision goggles should be kept in a clean place to avoid heavy pressure, mechanical damage, moisture, and solar radiation.

How to use night vision goggles:

1. Take out the night vision goggles from the jacket.

2. Open the battery cover and put the battery into the battery groove with a coin.

3. After the battery is installed, the preparation of the night vision device is completed.

4. Turn the switch to the ON position. Go to IR position if illumination is low. A normally turned on night vision device should see bright spots on the phosphor screen and infrared illuminator.

5. Remove the objective lens cap.

6. Aim the night vision device at the observed target, turn the eyepiece, and find a clear image.

7. Adjust the eye reference along the barrel of the night vision goggle.

8. Turn the switch to OFF after the work of the night vision device is over, and cover the objective lens cover. It can still work for 10-15 minutes after closing the night vision device (to fully discharge the battery). You can take advantage of this feature to extend the working time of the battery.

9. It is recommended to take out the battery after the night vision device is finished, to prevent the battery dielectric from flowing out and polluting the battery box.

The battery should be replaced when the switch is turned on and the fluorescent screen is not observed to emit light or the light is very dim. If the battery contaminates the surface of the battery case, wipe it with a soft cotton cloth or cotton ball. If the battery case gets wet, it should be dried. For example, when cleaning the optical surface of the objective lens, eyepiece, and infrared irradiator, you should blow off the small grit and dust first, and then use a soft cloth to wipe the surface.

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